Product Description

Main upgrades of the Omega 8008C/8007S juicer and nutrition center over the previous generation 8006/8004 model: stainless steel screens & cosmetic refinements. This is Omega's 5th generation horizontal single gear low speed masticating juicer with dual stage extraction.
Designed for people who seek a greater variety in what they juice and want to have a juicer plus a nutrition center all in one system. Available in the paint colour of Silver (8007S) and Chrome (8008C).
The Good
The 8007S/8008C (also known as J8007S for silver finish and J8008C for chrome finish) share the same benefits as all previous generation horizontal single gear nutrition centers offering high quality juicing and excellence with juicing leafy greens and wheatgrass. In addition to this legacy of good and exemplary qualities, this generation offers the following upgrades:
- Newly redesigned screen. Unlike the previous generations, the 8007/8008 offers more durable material, with larger first and second stage screens, and both screens are made of durable stainless steel.
- Cosmetic refinements: handle recessed for an attractive and sleeker body design
The Bad
As is typical with horizontal juice extractors, they have more length (depth) dimension, which may be an issue in some kitchens with limited counter space.
How will it benefit you?
High nutrition value - lower speed of 80 RPMs reduces heat build-up resulting in juice that is better equipped to keep its healthy enzymes intact, delays the oxidation process, and prolongs the juice's optimum shelf life.
Less Foaming – Juice extracted using this unit will tend to produce less foaming than twin gear models.
Multi-function – Very versatile nutrition center, that can be used for much more than just juicing
- Mincing and Chopping
- Grinding Coffee and Grains
- Frozen Dessert Maker
- Nut Butters - Make almond butter, peanut butter, sunflower seed butter and more
- Baby Foods
- Milk Extruder – Make nutritious nut milks from almonds, pecans, cashews, hazelnuts, or any other of your favorites. You can also make coconut milks
- Extrude Pasta
Easy to clean -. The screen’s design results in quicker clean up after juicing.
Quiet Operation – Low speed RPM auger is immensely more quiet than centrifugal units
Peace of mind - 15 Year warranty on all parts and labor.
Q: What is the difference between the Omega 8007S vs 8008C
A: They are the same juicer. A 5th Generation horizontal technology model by Omega. The difference is just cosmetic with a different body finish colour. The 8007S has a silver finish, and the 8008C has a chrome finish.
Q: What is the difference between the Omega 8007 and Omega 8007S?
A: None! There is no difference. Some people call the model by its model number exactly, which is J8007S, others will call it 8007S or just Omega 8007
Q: What is the difference between the Omega 8008 and Omega 8008C?
A: None! There is no difference. The are variations that refer to the model number which is: J8008C. It is well known as 8008C and also as the Omega 8008
Q: What is the difference between the Omega 8008 and 8007 models vs the 8006 and 8004 models?
A: The 8008/8007 models are a 5th Generation design while the 8006 (chrome colour model)/8004 (white colour model) are 4th Generation design The newer 5th Generation 8008/8007 offer technology improvements for juice extracting. Both generation models have a 15-year warranty from Omega Juicers.
Q: What is the difference between the Omega 8008 (chrome colour) /8007 (silver colour) and 8005 (chrome colour)/8003 (white colour)?
A: The Omega 8008 and 8007 slow juicer models are newer as they are a 5th Generation design while the Omega 8005 and 8003 horizontal slow juicer models are a 3rd Generation design. The newer 8008/8007 models offer design improvements in juice extraction. The 8005/8003 are much older and has long been discontinued. A notable difference is the the 8007/8007 provides a longer 15 year warranty while the 8005/8003 came with a 10 year warranty.
Q: What is the difference between the Omega 8007 and 8006 Juicer?
A: The Omega 8007 model is Omega's 5th Generation horizontal model technology juicer and nutrition centers. Its body colour is a silver finish. The Omega 8006 and is an older juicer that is categorized as Omega's 4th Generation horizontal model technology. Its body and colour is a chrome with black finish. The Omega 8006 has been discontinued.
Q: What is the difference between the Omega 8008C/8007S vs the NC800/NC900
A: The NC800, also know as NC800HDS, is a silver body paint colour finish with black trim. The NC900, also known as NC900HDC, is a premium chrome paint colour body finish with black trim. The NC800/NC900 are a 6th Generation design while the 8008/8007 models are a 5th generation design. The most notable design differences is different design, adjustable endcap, different feeding chute shape / size and equipment weight (the NC800/NC900 weigh about 7 lbs more than the 8008/8007 models). Want to see a specification comparison? Visit:NC800HDS vs 8008C
The Bottom Line
A good quality juicer. Great upgrades over previous generations, especially the more durable stainless steel screens, and sleeker body design is a nice touch. However, for those seeking the most value from their juicing machine investment, the next generation model offers good upgrades that make economic sense for anyone intending to juice more than occasionally.
To be clear you are selecting the best and most suitable juicer for your needs and preferences with this style of juicer, compare all the horizontal single gear generations, by viewing the following: Compare Horizontal Single Gears
Product Videos
John from shares the all new Omega 8007 and Omega 8008 Nutrition Center Juicers. In this episode John will explain the difference between the 8007 and 8008 Juicers. In addition, you will learn the differences between the 5th generation single auger juicers (8007/8008) and the 4th generation of single auger juicers (8004/8006). After watching this episode, you will have a better understanding of how these juicers work, and which may be the best juicer for you. For further information or to purchase the Omega 8007: For more information or to purchase the Omega 8008:
Omega 8007 and...John from shares the all new O...
Differences Be...John from compares and explain...
Omega 8007 Nut...John from introduces the new O...
Warranty Information
15-Year Warranty